Marriage Enrichment

This is not your typical marriage seminar!

By participating in The Marriage Celebration Encounter, couples of all ages learn to understand their spouse in a new way. These men and women were pleasantly surprised by the new insights they received into their mate's way of thinking. Your marriage will be changed in a positive fashion by attending this in-depth seminar. No matter how long you have been married, you will discover new skills for enhancing your relationship.

Your experience will be different from all the husbands & wives who have already experienced this intensive weekend.

If you are married, there is an element to your relationship with each other that even your relationship with God cannot replace.

The Marriage Celebration Encounter helps husbands & wives discover how to speak each others language.


Some couples summarized it this way:

"It is like building a house - you thought the pieces went here or there, yet you didn't know why they wouldn't fit. But now we have the blueprints!!!. Thank you so much."

"We really liked the acronyms used to illustrate the ideas for our learning."
"I would encourage others to come even if they didn't think they needed it."

"We learned how decoding our past can affect the current marriage, job, etc."

"I didn't think I had much to learn - Boy was I wrong! (married 39 years)"


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If you have a question about the Marriage Enrichment ministry please let us know by clicking below.

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